
Showing posts from March, 2022

How To Manage Time | 15 Time Management Tips - Jim Rohn

How To Manage Time | 15 Time Management Tips - Jim Rohn

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness  When these signs (pestilences) begin to show the bible tells us that our Redemption is near.  But what do we do in the meantime?  How should Christians respond in the meantime?  Christians can respond in two ways:       I. By being the light and       II. By praying for the government of the day.  I. Be the Light 1. Light Reveals itself and its contents .  Nobody has to do a field study to find a light. As you turn in the direction of the light it is seen; or better still, the light would radiate all around you even before you turn, light reveals itself. And just as on drawing close to a light bulb its filament, glass mound, and metal contacts, through which the electrical current flows, are seen, so in coming into contact with a true Christian, Jesus Christ, the One who engenders light and life is seen and felt.  A Christian should so...