Light in the Darkness
Light in the Darkness
When these signs (pestilences) begin to show the bible tells us that our Redemption is near.
But what do we do in the meantime?
How should Christians respond in the meantime?
Christians can respond in two ways:
I. By being the light and
II. By praying for the government of the day.
I. Be the Light
1. Light Reveals itself and its contents.
Nobody has to do a field study to find a light. As you turn in the direction of the light it is seen; or better still, the light would radiate all around you even before you turn, light reveals itself. And just as on drawing close to a light bulb its filament, glass mound, and metal contacts, through which the electrical current flows, are seen, so in coming into contact with a true Christian, Jesus Christ, the One who engenders light and life is seen and felt.
A Christian should so expose Christ in his life, that a person could not live with him a week without seeing and knowing He who produces light; clearly perceiving whose he is, and whom he serves, and should see the image of Jesus reflected in his daily actions. Every true Christian reveals the Light of the world (Matt.5:14).
2. Light Reveals danger.
To indicate rocks, shallow water, and open drains, a light is sure to be erected to signal the danger. It is dangerous to ignore or reject the light; it is dangerous to ignore God’s warnings. Jn.3:18 He who does not believe brings damnation to himself.
Every Christian must put up the true light upon every dangerous rock, to point out every sin, and tell what danger it leads to, so we may be clear of the blood of all men from our hands. There are dangerous rocks of sin in the world my friend - Do not ignore the light. Jn.3:18 He who does not believe brings damnation to himself.
There are dangerous rocks of limitations and pestilences that position themselves in the pathway of our health. Let the light of God reveal their source and act to blast them off.
Lk. 10:19 The Spirit of Light indwells you to destroy rocks.
3. Light Reassures and comforts and has a very positive effect.
How comforting to have a light flood your path on a dark dank night when the hope of ever finding your way was ravished from you. A Christian ought to be a comforter, with kind words on his lips, and sympathy in his heart to engender happiness around him. Men must feel the warmth of Christ through every true Christian.
Ps. 23 The Lord is your shepherd – how comforting!
Ps. 27. The Lord is your Light and salvation you need not fear – how reassuring!
Isa. 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Are these not uplifting words at a stressful time like this?
4. Light Redirects one’s course and gives hope.
‘You are the light of the world’. The Word as light shines through us in the darkness and becomes a guide to the true meaning of life for man who has been stumbling in the darkness.
Acts 8 records the Ethiopian eunuch reading Isa 53 without understanding what he was reading. Phillip went along and instructed the inquirer in the meaning of God's Word, the way of salvation, the life of godliness, and baptized him that very day. You are the light that leads to the true way.
5. Light Repels darkness.
As light enters the room darkness must retreat.
Saul of Tarsus saw this Light in Acts 9:3 as he rampaged to Jerusalem to destroy the believers in Christ. He described the appearance of Jesus to him on the road to Damascus as a penetrating Light, a light above the brightness of the noon-day sun. Now, what could be brighter than the noon-day sun? What could outshine the sun in its meridian strength and luster? – the Light of lights. Lord-What do you want me to do? In a flash, the Light of all lights now became Saul’s Lord and the mercenary for darkness became a missionary for Light.
6. Light Regenerates life.
It is reported that laser light is now used in surgical operations. It destroys tumors and pre-cancerous growths; removes kidney stones; repairs detached retinas and seals blood vessels and nerve endings.
You are the light of the world to destroy the cancerous growths of fear and hopelessness pervading our society today.
Christians need to get in place and be the light in the darkness.
II Pray for the government of the day:
I Timothy 2:1-2 — I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
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