The Problem of Life Without God
The Problem of Life Without God
What if God did not truly exist? What would be the problem?
We will deal with that issue now.
What if there were no God and no such thing as the wages of
sin? What if we lived forever, and what if that eternal life was
without God? Would we be in a sort of paradise? My answer is
this: I would prefer death rather than live in such a world. Let
me explain.
The problem with the absence of God is that there would be no
objective standard of right and wrong. Right and wrong would
be mere objects of personal tastes or by-products of conditioning
or socio-biological evolution. In other words, all our actions
would be permissible depending on what society's fickle
sensibilities could bear.
Without objective standards, who is to say what Adolph Hitler
did to the Jews in World War II has any more or less value
than the work of Mother Teresa in India? This is a question of
morality and there can be no morals in a world without a
moral giver. The result would be that no right or wrong would
exist and no need for remorse. There will be no "I'm sorry,"
and no excuse me;" just a flagrant use of time for whatever a
person wants to do, to whomever they can do it to without
There will also be no good, and no evil in a world without God
since good and evil are concepts of morality. The idea of
morality comes from the moral giver. Without the moral
compass of God, an entire people could degenerate into pure
evil, which history bears out in our Bibles:
"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the
earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had
made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart"
(Genesis 6:5-6).
If there be no moral giver (no God), a person's life is no more
significant than that of a flock of birds, a swarm of mosquitoes,
or of that of a tick on the hind part of a cow. Life is then
meaningless, doomed to the grave without purpose for its
existence. All would be vanity, according to the writer of the
Book of Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20). I would rather die
and be with the Lord than live in such a world.
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